
Ireland Education System Ireland has long been recognised as a global leader in the education field and Irish pupils perform in the top sectors in international studies such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) PISA evaluations. Employers, both national and international, affirm the quality of graduates from the Irish education system.  …



杜拜 杜拜 杜拜是阿拉伯聯合大公國人口最多的城市,也是中東地區的經濟和金融中心。位於阿拉伯灣東南岸,為該國七個酋長國之一杜拜酋長國的首府。 作為阿拉伯聯合大公國的經濟中心,杜拜已經成為全球城市,同時也是世界主要客運及貨運樞紐。1960年代,杜拜經濟開始趨向貿易,並且開始實施小規模的石油勘探。1966年發現石油,1969年起開始出口石油。石油收益加速杜拜早期城市發展,但石油儲量有限且產量不高,目前經濟以資本投資和旅遊、貿易、服務等驅動,石油收益佔比低於5%。 杜拜採行西方商業模式,經濟發展主要依賴觀光業、航空業、房地產及金融服務業。根據薩拉姆標準,杜拜被認為是穆斯林遊客的最佳旅遊地點。隨著創新大型建築計畫、舉辦運動賽事提高城市關注度,杜拜也成為摩天大樓的指標城市,世界最高大樓哈里發塔也位於杜拜。 國家 房產黃金簽證 房產黃金簽證 房產黃金簽證 計劃特點: 申請條件 無年齡和居住要求 無移民監 可在杜拜居住和工作 10年可續簽的居留權 配偶及子女可隨行 申請條件: 年滿18歲 擁有超過200萬迪拉姆(約425萬港幣)的房產(可以是一個或以上的杜拜房產) 有效的房產證明文件 必須在杜拜境內申請 無犯罪紀錄證明 企業黃金簽證 企業黃金簽證 企業黃金簽證 計劃特點: 無移民監 配偶及子女可隨行 可在杜拜居住和工作 稅務體系簡單,可享稅務優惠 申請條件: 年滿18歲 高中或以上學歷 營商背景 財產證明 三個月內有效的住址證明 無犯罪紀錄證明 Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn 免費諮詢 其他服務 海外移民 了解更多 海外房產 了解更多…


Island Country

Island Country Migration About Island Country It means that the main territory of a country is located on one or more islands. As of mid-2004, there are a total of 49 island countries in the world. Since many independent and semi-independent autonomous regions are located on islands and may change the state of government at…



Europe Migration About Europ Europe is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia and is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. Europe…



Singapore Migration About Singapore Singapore, officially named the Republic of Singapore, is a sovereign city-state and island country located in maritime Southeast Asia. Singapore located at the southern tip of the Malaysian peninsula has ensured its importance, which is greater than its size might seem to justify. Singapore consists of the island of Singapore and…



Taiwan Migration About Taiwan Taiwan, officially named the Republic of China (ROC), is a state in East Asia. Neighbouring states include the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the north-west, Japan to the north-east, and the Philippines to the south. The island of Taiwan has an area of 35,808 square kilometres, with mountain ranges dominating…


Hong Kong

Hong Kong Migration About Hong Kong Hong Kong, officially named the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (HKSAR), is a city and special administrative region of China in the eastern Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea. With over 7.5 million people of various nationalities in a 1,104-square-kilometre territory,…


New Zealand

New Zealand Migration About New Zealand New Zealand is a sovereign island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The country has two main islands, the North Island, and the South Island and around 600 smaller islands. It has a total land area of 268,000 square kilometres. The capital city is Wellington and the largest urban…
